
Scarlet Fever: Symptoms, Causes & Treatment

Scarlet Fever: Symptoms, Causes & Treatment - Scarlet fever, additionally referred to as scarlatina, is an infection that could establish in individuals who have strep throat. It's identified by a bright red rash on the body, typically accompanied by a high fever as well as a sore throat. The exact same bacteria that causes strep throat likewise causes scarlet fever.

Scarlet Fever: Symptoms, Causes & Treatment

Scarlet Fever: Symptoms, Causes & Treatment

Scarlet fever mainly impacts youngsters in between the ages of 5 as well as 15 years. It made use of to be a usual and significant childhood illness, yet it's uncommon today. Antibiotic therapies have actually minimized the severity of the symptoms as well as the prevalence of the condition. Researchers typically aren't sure why cases of scarlet fever have reduced while situations of strep throat stay usual.


A breakout is the most common indicator of scarlet fever in both grownups and also kids. It typically resembles a sunburn as well as seems like sandpaper. The scarlet-colored breakout is what provides scarlet fever its name.

The breakout generally begins on the upper body and also stomach and afterward spreads to the rest of the body. The folds up of skin around the armpits, elbow joints, as well as knees could additionally become a much deeper red than the surrounding breakout. The rash commonly lasts in between 2 and also 7 days. After it has diminished, the affected skin will certainly peel off, as will certainly the skin on the suggestions of the fingers and toes.


Other usual symptoms of scarlet fever consist of:

  • red lines or touches around the underarms, joints, and also knees
  • purged face
  • strawberry tongue, or a white tongue with red dots on the surface
  • red, sore throat with white and also yellow patches
  • fever above 101 ° F( 38.3 ° C ).
  • chills.
  • frustrations.
  • inflamed tonsils.
  • queasiness as well as throwing up. -swollen glands in the back of the neck.
  • pale skin around the lips.


Scarlet fever is triggered by team A Streptococcus microorganisms, which are germs that can live in your mouth and also nasal flows. These bacteria produce a toxic substance, or poisonous substance, that causes a bright red breakout on the body.


The infection may be spread out via contact with beads from a contaminated person's sneeze or coughing. This indicates that your child could contract scarlet fever if they touch something that has beads from an infected individual and after that touch their own mouth, nose, or eyes. They may additionally get scarlet fever if they drink from the exact same glass or consume from the exact same plate as a contaminated individual. Scarlet fever can additionally be traveled through skin get in touch with.


Scarlet fever generally influences youngsters between the ages of 5 as well as 15 years. You could also catch scarlet fever from being in close contact with others that are contaminated.


In most cases, the rash and also various other symptoms of scarlet fever will certainly be entered concerning 2 weeks. However, left neglected, scarlet fever can create serious problems. These could include:

  • rheumatic fever.
  • kidney condition.
  • ear infections.
  • skin infections.
  • throat abscesses.
  • pneumonia.
  • arthritis.

These complications can generally stay clear of if scarlet fever is dealt with quickly with the appropriate medication.


Your kid's medical professional will first perform a physical examination to check for indications of scarlet fever. During the test, the physician will examine the problem of your kid's tongue, throat, and also tonsils. They'll additionally try to find enlarged lymph nodes and analyze the appearance and appearance of the rash.

If the medical professional believes your youngster has scarlet fever, they'll swab the back of their throat to accumulate an example of their cells for analysis. This is called a throat swab or throat society. The example will after that be sent to a research laboratory to identify whether team A Streptococcus exists.


Scarlet fever is normally treated with antibiotics. Prescription antibiotics eliminate bacteria as well as assist the body's body immune system to eliminate the germs causing the infection. You'll need to make certain your child finishes the entire training course of the recommended drug. Taking all of it will certainly help prevent the infection from returning. You could additionally provide over-the-counter (OTC) medicines, such as aspirin (Bayer) or Advil (Advil, Motrin), to control the fever.

Scarlet Fever: Symptoms, Causes & Treatment

Your youngster's physician could likewise suggest medication in order to help relieve the discomfort of an aching throat. Other remedies consist of consuming ice pops, gelato, or warm soup. Swishing with salt water and using an awesome air humidifier can additionally decrease the extent and also discomfort of a sore throat. It's likewise vital that your youngster beverage lots of water to avoid dehydration.

Your youngster could return to the institution after they have actually taken antibiotics for a minimum of 24-HOUR as well as no more have a fever.

There is currently no vaccine for scarlet fever, although many possible injections are in professional growth.


Exercising good hygiene is the very best means to prevent scarlet fever. Some prevention suggestions to follow and to teach your children to consist of:

  • Washi your hands prior to meals and after utilizing the restroom.
  • Cover your mouth as well as nose when sneezing or coughing.
  • Don't share tools as well as glass with others, specifically in team settings.


Scarlet fever should be treated with antibiotics. Nonetheless, there are things you can do in order to help reduce the symptoms as well as discomfort that features scarlet fever. Right here are a few remedies to attempt:

  • Drink warm teas or broth-based soups in order to help soothe your throat.
  • Try soft foods or a liquid diet plan if consuming is painful.
  • Take OTC acetaminophen (Tylenol) or ibuprofen to ease throat discomfort.
  • Cut your nails to stay clear of damaging from itching.
  • Usage OTC anti-itch cream or medication to ease itching.
  • Keep moistened with water to dampen the throat and also avoid dehydration.
  • Suck on throat lozenges. According to the Mayo Center, kids older than 4 years could safely utilize lozenges to relieve sore throats.
  • Steer clear of from irritants in the air, such as smoke.
  • Try a deep sea gargle for throat pain.
  • Humidify the air to stop throat irritation from dry air.

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