
Polio: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments

Polio: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments - Polio (also referred to as poliomyelitis) is an extremely transmittable illness brought on by an infection that attacks the nerve system. Youngsters below 5 years of ages are more likely to contract the virus than another group.

Polio: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments

Polio: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 1 in 200 polio infections will certainly cause irreversible paralysis. Nevertheless, thanks to the international polio removal effort in 1988, the adhering to areas are currently certified polio-free:

  • Americas
  • Europe
  • Western Pacific
  • Southeast Asia

The polio injection was developed in 1953 and offered in 1957. Since then situations of polio have dropped in the United States.

But polio is still persistent in Afghanistan, Pakistan, as well as Nigeria. Getting rid of polio will certainly profit the globe in regards to health and economic climate. The obliteration of polio could save a minimum of $40-- 50 billion over the following Twenty Years.


It's approximated that 95 to 99 percent of people who acquire poliovirus are asymptomatic. This is referred to as subclinical polio Also without symptoms, individuals infected with poliovirus can still spread out the virus as well as reason infection in others.

Non-paralytic polio

Signs and symptoms of nonparalytic polio could last from one to 10 days. These signs and symptoms can be flu-like and also can include:

  • high temperature
  • sore throat
  • headache
  • throwing up
  • fatigue
  • meningitis

Non-paralytic polio is likewise called abortive polio

Paralytic polio

About 1 percent of polio instances can become paralytic polio. Paralytic polio results in paralysis in the spinal cord (spinal polio), brainstem (bulbar polio), or both (bulbospinal polio).

Preliminary symptoms resemble nonparalytic polio. However, after a week, much more severe symptoms will show up. These symptoms include:

  • loss of reflexes
  • severe convulsions and muscle mass pain
  • loose and drooping limbs, sometimes on simply one side of the body
  • unexpected paralysis, short-lived or irreversible
  • flawed arm or legs, especially the hips, ankle joints, and feet

It's uncommon for complete paralysis to establish. Less than 1 percent of all polio instances will certainly result in long-term paralysis. In 5-- 10 percent of the polio paralysis instances, the virus will certainly assault the muscle mass that aid you breathe and also cause a fatality.

Post-polio syndrome

It's possible for polio to return even after you have actually recuperated. This can take place after 15 to 40 years. Typical symptoms of the post-polio disorder (PPS) are:

  • proceeding muscle mass and joint weakness
  • muscular tissue discomfort that becomes worse
  • becoming quickly worn down or fatigued
  • muscle losing, likewise called muscular tissue atrophy
  • trouble breathing as well as swallowing
  • rest apnea, or sleep-related breathing troubles
  • low resistance of cold temperature levels
  • new start of a weak point in previously uninvolved muscles
  • clinical depression
  • trouble with focus and also memory

Speak to your physician if you've had polio and are beginning to see these symptoms. It's estimated that 25 to 50 percent of individuals who endured polio will get PPS. PPS can't be caught by others having this condition. Therapy involves management approaches to improve your lifestyle as well as decrease pain or fatigue.


As a very infectious infection, polio transmits with contact with contaminated feces. Things like playthings that have come near contaminated feces could also send the virus. Often it could send with a sneeze or a coughing, as the virus lives in the throat as well as intestines. This is less common.

Individuals staying in locations with minimal access to running water or flush commodes commonly get polio from consuming alcohol water infected by infected human waste. According to the Mayo Center, the virus is so infectious that anybody living with somebody that has the virus could catch it too.

Expectant females, people with damaged immune systems-- such as those that are HIV-positive-- and kids are one of the most at risk to the polio virus.

Polio: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments

If not already in the vaccine, you can increase the danger of contracting polio when:

  • travel to an area that has had recent polio break out
  • care for or deal with someone infected with polio
  • handle a laboratory sampling of the virus
  • have your tonsils eliminated
  • have extreme stress and anxiety or difficult activity after direct exposure to the virus


Your medical professional will certainly identify polio by checking out your symptoms. They'll perform a physical examination as well as try to find impaired reflexes, back and also neck rigidity, or problem lifting your head while lying flat. Labs will additionally evaluate a sample of your throat, feces, or cerebrospinal fluid for the polio virus.


Doctors could only deal with the symptoms while the infection runs its course. However considering that there's no remedy, the most effective method to treat polio is to stop it with inoculations.

The most usual supportive treatments consist of:

  • bed remainder
  • pain relievers
  • antispasmodic medications to unwind muscular tissues
  • anti-biotics for urinary system tract infections
  • mobile ventilators to assist with breathing
  • physical therapy or corrective braces in order to help with walking
  • hot pad or cozy towels to reduce muscle mass aches as well as convulsions
  • physical treatment to deal with pain in the influenced muscular tissues
  • physical treatment to attend to breathing and also pulmonary problems
  • pulmonary recovery to boost lung endurance

In advanced situations of leg weakness, you may need a mobility device or other wheelchair device.

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